2022_08_12 Insight Post- Marcy Fleurima


This week’s reading- Romans 11-12

In Romans 11, Paul describes how there are plenty of Israelites who have gone astray with hardened hearts but some who have remained faithful because of God’s grace (Rom. 11:5). We are reminded it is God’s kindness and not because of good works that they (and we) are saved. Many of the Jews were earnestly searching for ways to find the favor of God; they were working so hard at figuring life out and worshipping many other gods along the way that they missed out on His saving grace in His Son, Jesus. They would put other things above God or work hard at being the best they could be at following the way of the law. They would grumble and complain and try things on their own and forget to trust in their Lord. If we are honest, we aren’t too far off sometimes, are we?
Paul says in Romans 11:11, “Did God’s people stumble and fall beyond recovery? Of course not!” It is because of their disobedience that God was able to extend this offer of salvation and grace to the rest of us- the Gentiles. All of this is a mystery and might be tough to truly grasp, but we have to remember that this was part of God’s great plan from the beginning. He knew his people would rebel and not follow Him as He wished they would. He knew He’d be sending His Son to die on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice for the rest of the world. He knew He chose the Israelites to be the way His message was ultimately spread and continues to reach the ends of the earth today. 
I love how this was further illustrated by using a picture of an olive tree in verses 17-21 of chapter 11. Paul describes how there were some branches broken off Abraham’s tree. This represents the people of Israel who are not part of the Kingdom of God. Paul explains how Gentiles have been grafted in as branches from a wild olive tree and receive the blessings God promised to Abraham generations ago. This was profound to me and made me thankful and full of praise. We didn’t do one thing to earn this redemption, salvation, or love. We were on His mind from the beginning. And we too, can’t stumble and fall beyond recovery. But, Paul does remind us not to get prideful and brag about being grafted in, as we are just a branch, not the root. The best part is that Paul reminds us of the grace our Father has for all of us when he says the branches of the tree were broken off, not replaced by us, because they didn’t believe in Christ. But when they turn from their unbelief, they will be grafted in again, for God has the power to graft them back into the tree (Rom 11:23). That is grace. That is forgiveness. That is love. 
Some of my favorite statements are what I like to call “both—and statements.” In Romans 11:22, Paul says, “Notice how God is both kind and severe. He is severe toward those who disobeyed, but kind to you if you continue to trust in his kindness.” Wow. Let’s sit in that statement for a while. What does it mean to trust in his kindness? Do you know He is kind? Do you believe He is kind? Have you seen His kindness? If we trust in His kindness, God, the creator of this universe, will be kind to you. Think of all He’s done to be kind: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. We can work and work and work to gain the favor of God, but if we don’t trust in Christ, we don’t truly believe in His mercy, grace, and kindness. We can’t do a thing to earn His love…except trust His kindness and accept His gift of salvation. 
Friends, let’s please trust in God’s kindness. Let that be what motivates us to live out the life instructions found in Romans 12 and following. We don’t have to follow any rules to get God’s attention. Remember, we can’t earn His love—if we could, His sacrifice wouldn’t have been needed. BUT, we can trust His kindness and trust His love, and His mercy for us. That will lead us with so much thanksgiving and compassion that we can’t help but live lives full of love for others that show and emulate the love God has for you and me. Let God transform you and the way you think. Our family, friends, work, neighborhoods, and church could be radically transformed if we live out these guidelines because of our trust and love for our Father. 


Marcy Fleurima
Prayer Team