2022_08_17 Insight Post- Rusty Coram


This week’s reading- Romans 13-14

There are some passages in the Bible that are “conveniently” bypassed, and we hit one this week. At the beginning of Romans 13, Paul challenges his readers to “submit to governing authorities.” He goes on to explain that we are to do this because “all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.”

This is not an easy teaching in current times, and it was even more difficult at the time Paul wrote it. Rome was under the ultimate rule of Caesars, who were often ego-driven and capricious, even identifying as deities themselves. Christians were often not treated fairly or justly, and as time went on, Christians were horribly persecuted… So what is Paul saying to us?

At the very least, there are three things we need to remember:

  1. To live in community, people need guidelines and people who work to keep them in place. Paul isn’t saying that all government authorities are Godly, but the role of governing is. Our response needs to show honor to God’s design by respecting the position, even if we don’t like the person holding it.
  2. We are to be, and be known as, peace-loving citizens. This mindset is important because it shows respect for God’s design and creates opportunities for us to show and tell others about Jesus.
  3. Because our primary allegiance is to Christ, there will be times when we have to respectfully decline to follow the government. If the governing authority requires us to do something that dishonors Jesus, we need to resist. We see an example of this in Acts when Jesus’ disciples were arrested for public teaching and healing in Jesus’ name. When threatened and told to stop, “Peter and the apostles replied, “We must obey God rather than any human authority.” Acts 5:29 (NLT) The reason for civil disobedience was to honor and obey God, not merely personal preference.

Today we need to remember that God is at work within the structures of society. We need to do all we can to be good citizens where we are. When situations arise where we have to take a stand, let’s make sure we are being faithful to God, so others see Jesus working in and through us.

Rusty Coram
Senior Pastor