2022_08_26 Insight Post- Emma Keeton


This week’s reading- Romans 15-16

“Now may the God of patience and comfort

Grant you to be like-minded toward one another,

according to Christ Jesus, that you may with

one mind and one mouth glorify the God and

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Romans 15:5-6 NKJV

Have you noticed how long it takes for God to answer prayer? Rarely does God give answers that we see straight away- the saying “God is never early, but always on time” has some great wisdom.  

God is a God of patience. Any delay we feel while we wait for something to change is non-existent to God. The waiting is even part of His plan. I recently read that God’s delays are not His denials, but God has a loving purpose in every delay. God knows what He is doing and each moment we wait is a chance to trust Him as He changes things in us and around us.

Romans 15:5-6 (above) shows God’s patience and comfort related to unity in the body of Christ. Some have suggested that these two verses were written as a prayer because unity is something we cannot achieve ourselves. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to hone patience in us, accepting each other for who we are, so we can be ‘like minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus.’  Romans 15:5.

These verses this week have brought me back to the foot of the cross.

I am reminded of how God has unending patience with me. My inclination to sin requires God’s love and patience. Regularly.

 I am also aware of my lack of patience with those around me, be it my own family or others that are different from me. Surely I can extend patience to others when I have gladly received it first? But I think this is something I cannot do for myself-I need God’s intervention to form in me something of Christ.


“So God, would you help us this week to see where you are patient with us? May we give you thanks for the sin you have paid for on the cross. And help us to see the world around us differently, as you would see it. Help us to see brokenness in others instead of becoming frustrated. Let us offer your patience and love to others. May you be glorified. In Jesus’ name.”       

Emma Keeton
Prayer Team Lead