2022_09_28 Insight Post- Rusty Coram


This week’s reading- 2 Corinthians 9-10

In my opinion, one day, the current political climate in the US will be assessed, and the result will be a case study on how not to lead effectively. Slander, threats, exaggeration, put-downs, fear-mongering, and more are often what we see and hear, but in the long run, these tactics become tiresome, and they will not engender loyalty. In fact, if you gain power through these practices, you will be undone by them sooner or later. A mentor of mine gave me some very wise insight: people will follow you if they trust that you will use your power and influence for the greater good. Paul demonstrated this in his letter to the church at Corinth, which was being challenged by some who were using their power for selfish gain. “But our authority builds you up; it doesn’t tear you down. So, I will not be ashamed of using my authority.” 2 Corinthians 10:8 (NLT)

Leaders that have God’s approval and inspire loyalty use their influence and power to benefit their followers and never use them merely for personal gain. This doesn’t mean a good leader doesn’t speak hard truth at times (see Paul throughout this letter), but the goal is always to show love and care for the followers. Over time people will see what really matters most to us. If they know that we are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the work entrusted to us with humility and integrity, they will trust us. If not…

Paul also recognizes that ultimately all of us will answer to our Heavenly Father for how we have used our leadership. We have the choice of whether we will be ashamed or not in His eyes.

The principle here applies to all of us in our various spheres of influence – family, work, school, and community – whether we are formal or informal leaders. Lead well, and all will benefit. Lead poorly, and all pay the price.

Rusty Coram
Senior Pastor