2022_10_17 Insight Post- Kim Feld


This week’s reading- Acts 22 & 23

Paul’s story is incredible. As I read Acts 22 and 23, I wondered what Paul was thinking as he shared his story with the crowd. Jesus had completely transformed his life, but that didn’t erase who he was and what he had done before. Jesus forgave him, but his past was part of his story. From what we read, we have every reason to believe that Paul completely surrendered his life and story to be used by Jesus.

As I read through these chapters, I was struck by Jesus’ appearance to Paul the night following Paul’s time before the Jewish Council. Let’s look at Acts 23:11 (AMP):

11 On the following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Be brave; for as you have solemnly and faithfully witnessed about Me at Jerusalem, so you must also testify at Rome.”

Other translations use words such as “be encouraged” or “take courage,” but I love the Amplified Bible’s translation, “be brave.” To me, these two simple words express love and support and deep knowledge of Paul’s heart. The text doesn’t give us any indication that Paul was afraid, but then we have Jesus’ words, be brave.

I wonder how many times Jesus has whispered those words to my heart over the years. “I know this doesn’t make sense but be brave.” “I understand you don’t feel able to handle this but be brave.” It’s been too many to count. Jesus knew that Paul needed bravery to step into his calling. I think Jesus knows that we need it too.

Life is hard, and at times we are caught off guard by the pain that we must walk through. However, nothing that happens to us is ever a surprise to our all-knowing God. So we must be brave, trusting that He knows far more than we do and that He can work everything together for our good (see Romans 8:28). These are not empty promises; God comes close to us in our pain and can use it if we let Him.

Has God called you into something that you need to be brave about? Maybe it’s dealing with a personal relationship you would rather just ignore. Or perhaps it’s working through the pain of loss and the anger accompanying it. Is He calling you to make a change in your life that you know will require bravery? Be brave. Jesus is near.

Kim Feld
Executive Director of Education and Outreach