2022_10_19 Insight Post- Mario Colorado


This week’s reading- Acts 2 & 23

In Acts 22-23, Paul’s trust in God is put on full display during Paul’s trial in Jerusalem as he is faced with almost certain death. Earlier this week, my internship required me to memorize and recite this Bible verse; “When you are arrested, don’t worry about how to respond or what to say. God will give you the right words at the right time” Matthew 10:19 NLT. Knowing that they would face opposition, Jesus spoke these words to his apostles before He sent them out to spread the word about His Kingdom. From my perspective, this is essentially a call to trust God – especially during trials and challenges.

By placing his trust in God, Paul was given the right words to speak at the right time. Paul is able to grab the attention of the angry mob by speaking in their own language. He uses the opportunity to own up to his past mistakes, glorify Jesus, and show how he has become a new creation in Christ. For me, this part of the story is about how God will meet us – right where we are. Paul had many low moments in life, but his road to Damascus was the pivotal moment where he explained to the crowd that Jesus met him, humbled him, and changed his life. In verse 10, Paul tells them, “I asked, ‘What should I do, Lord?’ “And the Lord told me, ‘Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told everything you are to do” Acts 22:10 NLT. This is a great reminder for me that in those “Damascus” moments of my life, I have to surrender and ask, “What should I do Lord?”

For a second time, Paul is able to avoid further harsh punishment by revealing his Roman citizenship to the Roman authorities. It is easy to say it was chance or circumstance, but as Christians, we know God does not operate that way. God’s hand is providentially at work using every bit of who Paul is, from his identity at birth to his new identity in Christ – and everything in between.

In Acts 23, for a third time, Paul is again given the right words at the right time. Declaring his belief in the resurrection caused confusion and conflict between the Pharisees and Sadducees, enough to be rescued by the Romans. God was again at work, leaving no doubt when, “That night the Lord appeared to Paul and said, ‘Be encouraged, Paul. Just as you have been a witness to me here in Jerusalem, you must preach the Good News in Rome as well” Acts 23:11 NLT. The plot to kill Paul failed as his nephew came to his aid. The bigger picture is that God is constantly at work using people and circumstances for His good will. It’s not always as obvious or dramatic as in the circumstances of Paul, but when I surrender and put my trust in God, I always come out better on the other end.

Mario Colorado
New Hope Intern