2022_10_28 Insight Post- Kim Feld


This week’s reading- Acts 24 & 25

When I think of Paul’s life after his encounter with Jesus, the word that immediately comes to my mind is bold. Paul was bold in following where the Holy Spirit led him and fearless in his words and actions. In Acts 24 and 25, we witness Paul stepping boldly into his meetings with Felix and Festus. In our earlier reading, we saw how Jesus appeared to Paul and encouraged him. Throughout Paul’s letters, he encourages the early church and us, who would read his words many, many years later, to be bold in sharing our faith.

Paul writes a great deal about prayer. He asks his readers to pray for him, assuring them of his prayers for them and encouraging them to have an active prayer life. For example, in his first letter to the church at Thessalonica, he simply says, “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17 NIV).

As I was thinking about this, I stumbled on an old post from Beth Moore on her Living Proof blog. She said, “We will not live bolder than we pray” (Moore, 2015). Wow. Let those words sink in. If the amount of time and effort I put into prayer equals the boldness of my life, how bold am I?

Father, make us a people of deeply devoted prayer. Convict our hearts of our need to connect with you. What incredible resources we forego because of our lack of prayer! Flood us with Your presence today and increase our desire for prayer so we may live boldly for You.

In Jesus’ name,

Kim Feld
Executive Director of Education and Outreach

Reference: Moore, B. (2015, February 4). It’s prayer. That’s the thing. https://blog.lproof.org/2015/02/its-prayer-thats-the-thing.html