2023_04_26 Insight Post- Rusty Coram


This week’s reading- Exodus 40Romans 10, Leviticus 16, 2 Corinthians 3

In Exodus 40, we read that Aaron and his sons play an important role at the new place of worship – the Tabernacle. We learn a lot about Moses through our study of Israel’s escape from Egypt and the beginning of Isreal becoming a nation. We also hear about his older brother Aaron, whose compelling story shows us God’s grace. Aaron and Moses didn’t grow up together because Pharoah’s daughter took Moses in during the time when Jewish baby boys were being targeted for extermination. (Exodus 1:22) Since Moses was adopted into the royal family, he lived a life apart from his brother. Fast forward, and the brothers were reunited when Moses returned from exile as God’s leader to rescue Israel, and Aaron became Moses’ spokesman. (Exodus 7:2)

In Aaron, we see the courage to stand with Moses against Pharoah, but also cowardice later when the Israelites clamor for a god to worship and Aaron makes them a golden calf (Exodus 32:4). Throughout his story; we see Aaron demonstrate both faith and failure, yet in all of this God still uses him! Aaron and his sons are the initial priests for the new Tabernacle, carrying great responsibility as they stand between God and the people. Aaron is far from perfect, but God gave him grace, and Aaron continued to repent and follow. Every time I read his name, it reminds me that God is not demanding that we be perfect – He knows we aren’t. But God is looking for people who are humble, teachable, and willing to learn and grow. Aaron is a reminder that God is in the business of grace and restoration!

Rusty Coram
Senior Pastor