2023_06_02 Insight Post- David Schleyer

Jessica Woodcock   -  

This week’s reading- Numbers 201 Corinthians 10, Numbers 21, Hebrews 3, Psalm 9

Hebrews 3 challenges us to examine our hearts and confront any doubt that can hinder our relationship with God. The unknown author of Hebrews provides a reminder of the dangers of doubt through the example of the Israelites during their journey in the wilderness. Despite witnessing God’s miracles and experiencing His faithfulness to them, the Israelites struggled to maintain their trust in Him. This lack of trust ultimately led to them not entering the Promised Land. Hebrews says this:

“So we see that because of their unbelief, they were not able to enter his rest.” (Hebrews 3:19, NLT)

“Entering His rest” goes beyond physical rest or a specific location. It represents a spiritual rest, a sense of peace, and complete trust in God’s promises. The Israelites’ unbelief kept them from fully embracing this rest and enjoying the abundant life that God desired for them in the promised land.

I think for Christians, especially in the current time we live, entering the rest of God and enjoying the abundant life that God desires for us involves several aspects:

  1. Trusting in God’s Provision: Christians find rest by trusting that God is in control and will provide for their needs. They rely on His guidance, wisdom, and provision in all areas of life, including their careers, relationships, and finances. Ouch! Trust and faith. Where am I lacking trust in what God can do? Am I truly relying on and trusting in God’s character and promises? I don’t know about you, but I have some work to do in being consistent and faithful with my trust!
  2. Resting in God’s Grace: Christians understand that their salvation is not achieved through their efforts but is a gift of God’s grace. They find rest by accepting His forgiveness and embracing their identity as followers, knowing their salvation is secure.
  3. Renew Ourselves: Christians prioritize their spiritual well-being by engaging in regular practices that work on their relationship with God. This may include prayer, reading the bible, attending church, serving others, and being in a community with other believers. All these activities provide spiritual rest and renewal.
  4. Letting Go of Anxiety and Worry: Christians strive to release their anxieties and worries to God, knowing He cares for them. They find rest by casting their burdens upon Him and trusting He will work all things together for their good. Another big Ouch! Am I consciously and consistently choosing to release my fears and concerns to God, relying on my faith in Him? When has releasing my anxieties and worries to God and trusting in His care impacted my overall sense of peace and well-being?
  5. Living in Obedience: Christians find rest by aligning their lives with God’s will and following His commands. They seek to honor God in their thoughts, words, and actions, knowing that obedience brings blessing and peace. Am I unwilling to open myself to God’s leading and guidance fully?
  6. Extending Rest to Others: Christians are called to spread the rest of God by sharing the good news of salvation, demonstrating love and compassion, and offering support and encouragement to those in need. By embodying God’s rest, they become agents of peace and reconciliation. How can I surround myself with fellow believers who can encourage and support me in my journey to find rest in God? How can I come alongside others and be a source of support?

This journey of lean into God and surrendering our doubts to Him enables us to experience the joy and peace that come from a faith grounded in the truth of who God is and the promises He has given us. This is the rest I want!

David Schleyer
Director of Operations