2023_10_06 Insight Post- Julie Christensen


This week’s reading-  Psalm 69, Jeremiah 25, Habbakuk 2

How often has God answered your prayers in perfect timing? That is, perfect timing according to His timeline and not our own? That second question changes things a bit, doesn’t it? How often have we given up on a dream or quit praying for something specific because we were confident He wasn’t listening, nor would He answer? This week’s reading reminded me of just how impatient we really are. David’s words in Psalms 69 kept going and going. He was relentless in asking for help and protection. To some readers, David could have even come across as begging. I must question and ask myself how relentless have I been in my prayers? Has my relentlessness caused a parched throat and blurry vision like in verse three? Not only have I not been relentless lately, nor have I been willing to be still and listen. Speaking of relentlessness, it’s safe to say I can’t compete with Jeremiah and his decades of preaching the same message regardless of what others thought.
So, back to our question, “How often has God answered your prayers in perfect timing?” Always! Yes, always. In Habakkuk, it’s easy to feel his anger and frustration as sin runs rampant in the world. Habakkuk is constantly tossing questions to God. Regardless of all the evil, God reminds us here that He is powerful, that He has a plan, and He will punish sin, not necessarily within our timeline, but within His sovereign timeline. The answer may not have been what we wanted, expected, or prayed for, yet it was perfect. The answer may not have come to us quickly enough, yet it was perfect! God, you are perfect!

Julie Christensen
Senior Director of Silo Center