2024_03_18 Insight Post- Kim Feld


This week’s reading- Ruth 1-4, Matthew 1:5

When I read Ruth’s story, the word that immediately pops out to me is loyalty. That characteristic is found throughout the story. I encourage you to look at the Bible Project’s overview of the book of Ruth – they do a fantastic job of tying the pieces of the story together and giving context. You can find it at this link: https://bibleproject.com/explore/video/ruth/

In addition to being loyal. Ruth is described as being a woman of “noble character.” These are Boaz’s words in Ruth 3:11:

11 And now, my daughter, don’t be afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character. Ruth 3:11, NIV

These words are also used to describe the Proverbs 31 woman. Spoiler alert – we will be discussing her soon. Take a look at Proverbs 31:10:

10 A wife of noble character who can find?

    She is worth far more than rubies (NIV).

The Hebrew word used for noble is hayil. Some words used to define hayil are strength, capability, skill, and valor. Valor is especially notable as it often stands for personal bravery. Ruth repeatedly exhibits this in her story as she seeks to provide for herself and her mother-in-law, Naomi.

It couldn’t have been easy for Ruth to leave her family to travel to a new land with Naomi. This makes me wonder about their relationship. Ruth obviously loved Naomi and was committed to her. God blessed her faithfulness and loyalty and brought joy to their lives once again. He also placed Ruth in a position of prominence in Jesus’s ancestry.

There are so many of Ruth’s character traits that are worth emulating. They have stirred some questions in my heart that I am asking myself this week:

  • Would people describe me as a loyal person? How does that play out in my life?
  • Are there areas of my life where God calls me to be brave?

We have God’s promise that whatever He calls us to, He will equip us. Ruth’s story reminds me that we are part of a much bigger story than we even realize. We will see the full picture one day, but today, we are called to follow where He leads.

Kim Feld
Executive Director of Education and Outreach