2024_04_05 Insight Post- David Schleyer


This week’s reading- 1 Samuel 25:1-42, 2 Samuel 3:3

In the Old Testament, Abigail’s story in 1 Samuel 25:1-42 and 2 Samuel 3:3 paints a great picture of compassion and empathy.

When her husband Nabal insults David by refusing to provide him and his men with any provisions, despite David’s previous protection of Nabal’s shepherds and flocks, Abigail steps in, gathers supplies and rushes to meet him. She doesn’t just apologize; Abigail empathizes with David’s situation by understanding the danger he faces and acknowledging his rightful position as a future king.

So, what can we learn from Abigail?

  1. Compassion Knows No Bounds: Abigail’s empathy extends beyond her household to strangers like David, teaching us to break down barriers and connect with others. (1 Samuel 25:28-31)
  2. Compassion Promotes Peace: By choosing empathy over vengeance, Abigail helps diffuse conflict and foster harmony. (1 Samuel 25:32-35)
  3. Compassion Inspires Action: Abigail doesn’t just feel sorry for David; she takes action to help him. Her story challenges us to turn our empathy into tangible acts of kindness. (1 Samuel 25:18-19)

In our divided world, Abigail’s example reminds us of the power of compassion. Let’s follow her lead, extending empathy and compassion to all we meet.

David Schleyer
Elementary Small Group Leader