2024_05_15 Insight Post- Rusty Coram


This week’s reading- Proverbs 31:10-31

Coming on the heels of Mother’s Day, Proverbs 31 is timed well in our reading. The description of the wise woman we see could be intimidating to some, or it could paint an expectation that others (men) might misuse. The idea in this is to illustrate the attitude of a God-honoring woman, wife, and mother who lives out her faith in the context of her personal, familial, and community responsibilities. The character qualities mentioned are ones that all (men and women) should aspire to, and I love that it is addressed to women in this context. Historically, women have not been afforded the respect from society that God expects – often relegated to second-class status. However, in this chapter, we see the picture of a woman filled with dignity, purpose, and activity that is a model for all.

Reading this chapter reminds me of my mom. She and my dad decided together that she would stay at home with my sister and me, which meant less income for the family. Like the woman described in Proverbs 31, Mom was a diligent and industrious homemaker. We didn’t eat out much, but our meals were always good and filling – except for the meatloaf, yuck! Mom was a frugal shopper and did a lot of sewing and knitting to keep us presentable. She volunteered at school and in the community to help us and the people around us. I don’t ever remember Mom being lazy. She was up early, getting everyone ready for work and school, and spent the day making sure we all had what we needed.  She built a solid relationship with our neighbors and was always looking for ways to encourage and support them.

My mom has Alzheimer’s now and no memories of the legacy she gave to me and my sister. Whenever I visit her, I tell her two things: 1. That she has been a great mom to me, and I am deeply grateful, and 2. Even though she doesn’t remember, I do. This fulfills the promise in Proverbs 31:30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.” (NLT)

Rusty Coram
Senior Pastor