2024_05_17 Insight Post- David Schleyer


This week’s reading- Proverbs 31:10-31

When you hear the word fear, what do you think of?  When I hear the word “fear,” I think of that instinctive reaction that kicks in when we encounter something that feels threatening or dangerous. It’s like a warning signal from our brains that says, “Hey, be careful!” It can be anything from the fear of spiders or heights to the fear of failing a test or speaking in public. Essentially, fear is that uneasy feeling that can make us want to run away or hide.

So, what should we think when Proverbs 31:30 says, “but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised?” “Fearing the LORD” is a concept found throughout the Bible, specifically in Proverbs.

“Fearing the Lord” in Proverbs 31:30 refers to having reverence and respect for God, which influences every aspect of a person’s life. Such a woman is praised not for her outward appearance, but for her inner qualities of wisdom, virtue, and devotion to God. This verse underscores the importance of prioritizing spiritual values over superficial qualities, recognizing that true beauty and worth come from a deep relationship with God.

While the term “fear” might initially evoke a sense of dread or terror, in the context of fearing the LORD, it carries a deeper meaning:

  • When you fear the Lord, it’s like having this deep respect and awe for God. You’re acknowledging how awesome He is, how He’s in charge of everything. This kind of respect makes you humble and reminds you that you need Him.
  • Respecting and honoring God means recognizing that He’s in charge and following His rules because you know He knows best.
  • Trusting God is a big part of fearing Him. It’s like believing that He’s got your back no matter what. You listen to His advice and follow His lead because you know He’s reliable and wise. You know He has the perfect plan for your life. This trust helps you stay faithful and obedient to what He asks of you.
  • Fearing the Lord is also about being wise and having good judgment. It’s like starting your wisdom journey by realizing that God knows everything. When you fear Him, you seek His wisdom in everything you do, from big decisions to everyday stuff.
  • Lastly, fearing the Lord is all about showing love and devotion to Him. It’s like being super committed to God and His plans for you. You express your love for Him through worship, serving others, and doing what He asks of you with all your heart.

In simple terms, fearing the LORD is about showing Him respect, trusting His wisdom, and staying devoted to Him. It’s like the foundation of your relationship with God, shaping how you think and act according to His plans. Go ahead, it’s ok to fear the Lord!

David Schleyer
Elementary Small Group Leader