2024_05_24 Insight Post- Michael Thayer


This week’s reading- Nehemiah 1-6

Nehemiah’s faith and reliance upon God, his strong devotion to and belief in his community… reflecting on our reading of the Book of Nehemiah, those admirable traits struck me, especially during this time when so much attention, both in the church and in society, is focused on division. I can become distracted by this focus. Instead, I need to take a page out of Nehemiah’s book and be about the Lord, my community, and the work He has placed in front of me to do.

Nehemiah’s faith in the Lord is evident in how he went about his mission rebuilding his ancestral city and the wall surrounding it so that those who were returning from exile could live in community once again. He relied on God every step of the way, praying for forgiveness for his people (as Kim Feld wrote about so well in her BRP post on Monday), asking the Lord to facilitate the King’s approval of his trip, for safe passage to Jerusalem, and for protection while his community rebuilt the wall.

Nehemiah’s belief in and reliance on his community is clear from the whole-of-community effort he led.  They worked together to accomplish their goal and looked to God and each other for protection from their enemies that sought to attack them as they worked.

A few weeks ago, Yayo asked us in his Sunday message, what is “next” for each of us?  What is our next challenge, our next step out in faith, our next chapter in life?  No matter what comes next, Nehemiah provides a great example of how, as Christ followers, we should face whatever difficulties and attacks may arise – constantly looking to God and trusting in His word and turning to our community for strength and support.

Michael Thayer
Leadership Team Member