2024_06_12 Insight Post- Julie Christensen


This week’s reading- Esther 1, Esther 2:1

Who is Queen Vashti and why is she taking up space in my Bible? After all, Esther captured the title of this book. What are we to learn from Queen Vashti as she said “No!” to the King? We are all faced with decisions daily. Some decisions are easy and quick to take care of. Some require outside sources to navigate. Others require prayer and additional time to sort out the pros and cons as we listen intently for God’s reply. Have you ever made a decision that had consequences far beyond what you ever imagined? Queen Vashti did! The King was flaunting his power, wealth, and vast empire as he hosted a banquet that lasted months. As the food and wine flowed freely, he also wanted to flaunt his queen. The king looked at Queen Vashti as yet another one of his beautiful possessions. Men and women were created in God’s image. Respect and appreciation of each other come from mutual regard, not from pronouncements or forced obedience. Scripture doesn’t tell us exactly why she refused, but I do hope we can feel some empowerment from her. I hope we can feel Queen Vashti’s bravery and boldness. I pray we aren’t swayed by power, wealth, or vast empires as we face decisions. I pray I’m treating all men and women around me not as objects, but as His creation.

Julie Christensen
Senior Director of Silo Center