2024_06_28 Insight Post- David Schleyer


This week’s reading- Esther 1-10

Until Kim mentioned it in one of the recent Bible Study & Prayer recordings, I was unaware that there are only two books in the Bible that never mention God by name: Song of Solomon and Esther. But does this mean that God is “absent” from these books? Of course not. In the case of the Book of Esther; the story is a powerful reminder that God is always at work, even when we don’t see Him or hear His name. This can be incredibly reassuring in our own lives.

Finding God in the Everyday

  • In our busy lives, it’s easy to feel like God is distant or uninvolved. But just like in Esther’s story, God often works in subtle ways. When we look back at our lives, we might see how certain “coincidences” or unexpected events were actually God’s way of guiding us. For example, a chance meeting with someone who offers a job opportunity or a sudden change of plans that leads to something better can be seen as God’s hidden hand at work.

Our Actions Matter

  • Esther’s bravery and wisdom show that our actions are important. When we make decisions, stand up for what’s right, or help others, we can be instruments of God’s plan. It encourages us to be proactive and courageous, trusting that our efforts, big or small, are part of a larger picture. We might not always see the immediate results, but our faithfulness can have a profound impact, just as Esther’s did.

Trusting in God’s Plan

  • Life can be unpredictable and challenging, but Esther’s story encourages us to trust that there is a plan, even when things seem random or difficult. Romans 8:28 (NLT) says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” This verse echoes the theme of Esther’s story, reminding us that God can turn even the most dire situations into something good.

Living with Faith and Courage

  • Esther teaches us to live with faith and courage, knowing that God is with us even when He seems silent. When we face challenges or uncertainty, we can draw strength from her example. By being faithful in our daily lives, making wise choices, and trusting in God’s unseen guidance, we participate in His greater plan.

Esther reminds us that God is always present, even when we don’t see Him. Our everyday actions and choices can be part of His bigger plan. So, when life feels random, or God seems silent, remember Esther’s story – God is still at work, often in the background, guiding things for good.

By looking at the Book of Esther, we can see that God’s presence doesn’t always need to be loud or obvious. Sometimes, He works quietly, through the actions of people and the twists of fate, to bring about His perfect plans.

David Schleyer
Elementary Small Group Leader