2024_08_07 Insight Post- Rusty Coram


This week’s reading- Luke 10:38-41John 11John 12:1-3

The story of a dinner for Jesus and His friends has been a window into how easily another agenda can hijack good intentions. I am glad this story was included in the New Testament because it shows us how easily we can convince ourselves that we are “right.” Martha and Mary are eager to host Jesus and his crew for a meal, and this is not just a simple deal. Cooking for 15 additional men required some serious planning and preparation. Besides that, Jesus was a public figure, so there would be a lot of attention from people in Bethany who were eager to see and hear how the dinner went. With all of this going on, it would make sense that Martha would feel pressured to make things go just right. The problem is that Martha misplaced her priority. Instead of her focus being on Jesus, she focused on her effort to have a great dinner. She would have said it was all for Jesus, but Jesus gently corrected her, saying, “My dear Martha you are worried and upset over all these details.” (Luke 10:41 NLT). What we are truly devoted to is often revealed under pressure. In Martha’s situation, it appears that the dinner going according to her predetermined plan was the priority rather than making sure her guests were given loving attention and care. Martha was so carried away by her personal dinner agenda that she interrupted the gathering to correct Jesus and tell him to order her sister Mary to the kitchen!

I wonder how often I have misplaced my devotion to an activity or project for Jesus rather than to Jesus Himself.

Martha is obviously a woman of action, and for her and those like her, the challenge is to temper her perspective by remembering God’s priorities. An okay meal where people really connect beats a perfect meal where relationships suffer. A great reminder is found in Psalm 19:14 (NLT) “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

Rusty Coram
Senior Pastor