2024_08_16 Insight Post- Emma Keeton


This week’s reading- John 12:1-6Luke 22:1-21Matthew 26:1-25Matthew 26:47-51Matthew 27:1-8Acts 1:16-19

This week’s reading about Judas is a tale of deception, betrayal and murder of the worst kind. As I look at Judas I realize that his sin had a history. Judas did not suddenly betray Jesus. There were sinful patterns in the life of Judas, so when Satan tempts him, Judas is ready to take the bait.

“ Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve.  And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. “ Luke 22:3-4

It is easy to disconnect myself from the story of Judas because the sin I commit does not feel as much of a crime. Yet this kind of comparison is not the whole story. Romans 3:23 tells us:

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”

All sin is unrighteous and falls into the category of unholy. Once the enemy has a foothold in an area of our life, we can feel powerless under the weight of sin and each sin builds upon another. For example, if I entertain anger today, tomorrow I could be tempted to party with resentment and bitterness.

When Judas realized what he had done in Matthew 27:1-8, the remorse he felt led him to despair, and he hung himself. Judas did have another option; allowing that remorse to lead to repentance.  Jesus forgives any repentant heart.  As Christians, we have options. Do we daily recognize our need for a Savior or consider our sin on the lower end of the spectrum? “It can’t be as bad as…”

The practice of Examen prayer has been a way that Christians, for hundreds of years, take a moment to examine their day with God. It allows God’s Holy Spirit to show us where we have sinned and to repent and receive His forgiveness. It also helps us see where God has been active with us that day. Pray these prompts and be ready to have God show you His mercy and kindness as you receive His forgiveness.

  1. Take a moment to be quiet and recognize that God is with you.
  2. Review your day (or yesterday) and thank God for it.
  3. Pay attention to any emotions you are feeling. How do they lead you to pray?
  4. Choose one feature from the day and pray from it.
  5. Look to tomorrow.

Emma Keeton
Prayer Team Lead