2024_08_30 Insight Post- David Schleyer


This week’s reading- 1 Timothy 6:13Luke 13:1Matthew 27:15-26, Luke 23:1-25John 18:33-40John 19:1-22

It is fair to say that most people have heard of Pilate and the role he played in the events leading to the crucifixion of Jesus. However, Pilate’s wife also played a significant role in the Passion narrative.

Pilate’s wife is mentioned specifically in Matthew 27:19 (NLT), which states: “Just then, as Pilate was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him this message: ‘Leave that innocent man alone. I suffered through a terrible nightmare about him last night.’”

Based on this passage, we can infer several character traits of Pilate’s wife:

  1. Spiritual Sensitivity: Pilate’s wife appears to have had a dream or vision that deeply troubled her, leading her to intervene in the situation. This suggests she was spiritually sensitive and perhaps more attuned to those around her.
  2. Courage: Despite the cultural norms and the fact that her husband was a powerful Roman governor, Pilate’s wife had the courage to voice her concerns to him. It took boldness to intervene in what was a political and legal matter. Her action shows a willingness to stand up for what she believed was right, even if it might not have been well-received by her husband or others.
  3. Compassion and Justice: Her plea to Pilate reflects a sense of compassion and a desire for justice. She refers to Jesus as “innocent,” indicating that she recognized the injustice of what was happening. Her concern was not just for her own peace of mind but also for the innocence of the man on trial.

We can learn from Pilate’s wife:

  1. Listen to Your Conscience: Pilate’s wife’s example teaches us the importance of listening to our conscience, especially when we feel deeply troubled by something. It’s a reminder to pay attention to spiritual or moral intuitions and act on them, even when it’s difficult.
  2. Speak Up for Justice: Her actions show the value of speaking up for justice, even in situations where our voice might be unwelcome or ignored. Standing up for what is right, particularly when it concerns the innocence of others, is a courageous and necessary act.
  3. Value of Spiritual Sensitivity: The story highlights the importance of being spiritually sensitive and open to guidance that might come through unexpected means, such as dreams or inner convictions. This can lead to a deeper understanding of situations and help guide our actions.
  4. Influence in Relationships: Pilate’s wife’s attempt to influence her husband for good reminds us of the impact we can have on others, especially in our close relationships. Even when our influence doesn’t lead to immediate change, it’s important to try to steer others toward the right path.

Her spiritual sensitivity, courage, and compassion, stand out as qualities that are admirable and worthy of emulation. From her, we learn the importance of following our conscience, speaking up for what is right, and being attentive to the ways in which God might be guiding us, even in subtle or unexpected ways.

I wonder what would have been different if Pilate’s wife had not warned her husband about her troubling dream and urged him to avoid condemning Jesus. While the Bible does not explicitly describe the consequences of her silence, we can speculate based on the context of the events and the characters involved that Pilate’s decision might have remained unaffected.

Is there anything that God has put on your mind or heart that you need to place your attention on?

David Schleyer
Elementary Small Group Leader