2024_10_04 Insight Post- Mario Colorado


This week’s reading- Matthew 15:21-28Mark 7:24-30

Both of these passages chronicle an exchange when Jesus encountered a Gentile woman while traveling through the Phoenician region between Tyre and Sidon. These were two coastal cities that were about a day’s journey on foot from each other. Mark is careful to describe the woman’s nationality, and it is also important to note that Jesus had traveled to a region outside of Judea.

Matthew describes the woman as a Canaanite, which was likely done to underscore that she was not of Jewish descent – particularly to Jewish readers of his gospel who would have interpreted the word as an undesirable outsider. In Matthew, the woman addresses Jesus as “O Lord, Son of David.” “Lord” is a sign of respect, but “Son of David” has messianic undertones.

The exchange seems relatively straightforward, the woman asks Jesus to heal her daughter of a demon, but Jesus explains that he is there only for the (lost sheep) who are Jews. Her demonstration of faith moves Jesus to commend her and heal her daughter – all in the presence of his disciples and likely other Jewish followers.

It’s important not to overlook some of the nuanced symbolism here. Jesus is the actual foreigner (along with his disciples) here. He is in that region on a mission of discipleship for the Jews. Still, He uses the encounter as a teachable moment to His followers to show that He is there for all of humanity.

For me, these two accounts demonstrate the need for me to be more intentional about sharing my faith with those who are outside of my typical sphere of influence. It also teaches me that it is important to remember whose kingdom I belong to. At any given moment, I need to recognize that I might be outside of my home territory, and I must ready, willing, and able to demonstrate the love that Jesus has shown me to others.

Mario Colorado
New Hope Volunteer Manager