2024_11_29 Insight Post- Karenna Rowenhorst


This week’s reading- Acts 16:12-15, Acts 16:40, Philippians 1:1-10

Lydia sounds like a fascinating woman to me. She ran her own business, and I’m guessing she was also somewhat of a fashionista. Purple cloth in that day was a luxury and usually reserved for special events in the Roman empire. I imagine her as being artistic and enjoying beautiful things. I wonder if her eye for beauty was what caused her to seek out the Creator of everything. I love that through her seeking God, she was able to learn about Jesus and His message of salvation. Through her regular walks by the riverbank, where people gathered to pray, she demonstrated her devotion to God.  And because of her actions, she was able to hear Paul’s message about Jesus Christ.

She also strikes me as someone who was decisive. In the span of a conversation, it seems she accepted what Paul was saying and believed in Jesus. Lydia’s response after her conversion and baptism is also decisive. She doesn’t wait for someone else to offer hospitality to these visitors, she asks Paul and Silas to join her as guests in her home. And Lydia knew her actions would be observed by her fellow merchants and her customers. She was willing to take the lead in helping Paul set up a ministry in Philippi.

It makes me wonder how often I think about good intentions in my mind but don’t always walk them out with real actions. If I only think about calling a friend but don’t actually call them, then there’s no real benefit for my friend. If I think about supporting a cause, or volunteering, or doing a host of other good things, but I don’t follow through and take the steps to do them, then nothing actually happens!

Do I satisfy that small voice of God in my mind by just thinking about the good actions I could do? It may quiet God’s voice for a time or temporarily satisfy my conscience, but in order for me to truly follow God’s calling, I have to do more than think about doing good. If I don’t love, give, serve, or support, then I think I’ve missed the mark. I think it’s good for us to do some soul-searching and remember that our actions are what make an impact on others.

We see the impact that Lydia’s generosity had on Paul and Silas. Later in the letter to the Philippians, Paul writes about the partnership and support he received from the believers there:

 “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.  Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now.” Philippians 1:3-5

Can you imagine someone writing such glowing words about you? Can I imagine that being written about me? Lydia’s initiative in offering Paul and Silas a place to stay turned into her and others becoming true partners with Paul and the work of spreading the gospel.

Let’s be brave and decisive today. Let’s ask, act, show up, give, and love others well. The world is watching, and we have the best news in the world to share.

Karenna Rowenhorst, MA
Senior Director of Education