Feb 19: Insight Post by Rusty Coram
Weekly Reading: Matthew 4:18-22, Mark 1:16-20, Luke 5:1-11
Wednesday Reflection
Jesus Sees Potential in Us: When Jesus called these fishermen, He saw beyond their current occupation and envisioned them as fishers of men. Jesus sees our potential and calls us to something greater than we often see in ourselves.
Wednesday Verse
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)
Wednesday Questions
Do I see myself through the lens of what I am now, or do I see the potential Jesus sees in me? What is God calling me to become?
Wednesday Insight Post
by Rusty Coram
The first time I read the account of Jesus inviting Peter, Andrew, James, and John to join His ministry, I was amazed that they just dropped everything and joined. Later, as I read more, I began to see that because Jesus based His work in that region, these men would have been familiar with Him. But even if their choice to accept wasn’t an “out of the blue” decision, it is still inspiring. These professional fishermen were leaving the way of life they had grown up on and depended on for themselves and their families. There was no guarantee of success, just the promise of being intimately associated with this teacher and healer who explained God’s work and work in a way that captured their hearts and devotion. Until Jesus’ invitation, they were undoubtedly fans of His teaching. They would have admired His wisdom and character, too. But the moment Jesus issued the invitation to join Him, things changed. Did they really believe and trust Him? Was their growing interest in Him a matter of convenience or a building of real conviction? The moment of truth came when He looked at these four, saw their potential, and with a clear call said, “Come follow me” (Matthew 4:19). Now I’m sure His amazing insight to where they could cast for a massive catch definitely helped! (Luke 5:6)
These four men still had to make a decision—would they stay safe and comfortable with their lives, or would they take a risk, leave it behind, and follow Jesus? Because we know the rest of the story, we can be certain that they are eternally glad they chose to follow Him. Feelings are fine, but decisions- not feelings are what matter most.
Rusty Coram
Senior Pastor
New Hope Church
Lorton, Virginia