Mar 7: Insight Post by Yayo Espinosa
Weekly Reading: Luke 8:43-48, Mark 5:25-34, Matthew 9:20-22
Friday Reflection
God Acknowledges Our Faith in Action: Jesus stops and acknowledges the woman’s bold act of faith, showing that God sees and honors those who seek Him earnestly. Her courage to step forward in faith despite her fear transformed her life.
Friday Verse
The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. 2 Chronicles 16:9 (NLT)
Friday Questions
In what areas of my life do I need to step out in faith? How can I be courageous in seeking God, trusting that He will acknowledge and respond to my faith?
Friday Insight Post
by Yayo Espinosa
Imagine being sick for 12 years. You’ve done everything in your power to find a cure. You’ve gone from doctor to doctor, spent all you had, and yet nothing worked. On top of that, people around you whisper that you must have done something wrong—that God is punishing you. Can you imagine carrying that weight? How would you react to all of this? How would you feel? Most people would probably give up. They’d fall into the mindset of, “This is just who I am now. I must deserve this. Maybe God is punishing me.” This was exactly the reality for the woman we read about in this week’s study. For 12 long years, she lived this pain. But her story didn’t end there. As Jesus was on His way to heal someone else, this woman saw her last chance. Maybe she had only heard rumors about this man named Jesus. Maybe all she knew was that people were calling Him a healer—or even the Messiah. And with nothing left to lose, she made a bold move. She reached out… and touched His robe. And Jesus noticed. In the middle of a crowd pressing in from every side, Jesus stopped and asked,
“Who touched me?…” Luke 8:45a NLT
This story reminds us of something powerful: Jesus is present. He’s not distant. He’s not too busy. He’s not distracted. Even on His way to heal someone else—even with crowds all around Him—Jesus stopped for one woman who reached out in faith. This tells us that Jesus is available. He sees you. He notices you. He cares about what you’re going through, no matter how long you’ve been struggling, no matter how invisible you may feel to the world around you. And not only is He available, Jesus is relational. He didn’t just heal her and move on. He turned around. He looked for her. He wanted to know her. He wanted her to know that she mattered—that it wasn’t just her touch that healed her, but her faith in Him.
That’s the same Jesus we have today. The same Jesus who stopped for her is willing to stop for you. He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to know that you’re not forgotten. You’re not overlooked. You’re not too broken or too far gone. So if you’ve been carrying something for 12 years… or 12 months… or even just 12 days… Don’t give up. Reach out. Jesus is closer than you think. All you need to do is have faith—just like this woman did. She didn’t have all the answers. She didn’t have it all together. She didn’t even have a full plan. But what she did have was faith—just enough to believe that if she could get close to Jesus, everything could change. Her trust in Jesus is what gave her exactly what she had been searching for all those years. It wasn’t the robe that healed her; it was her faith in the one who wore it.
So today, as you read this, let me ask you: Are you willing to reach out to Jesus? Are you willing to believe—just like she did—that Jesus is able to heal, restore, forgive, and renew? Whatever you’re carrying… whatever feels impossible… whatever you’ve been battling for years… just reach out. You don’t have to have perfect words. You don’t have to have it all figured out. You just have to take that small step of faith and believe that Jesus is who He says He is. Because when you do, you’ll discover the same thing she did— That Jesus is enough. And He’s been waiting for you all along.
Jose (Yayo) Espinosa
Associate Pastor