Jan 10: Insight Post by Yayo Espinosa
Weekly Reading: Matthew 8:2-4, Mark 1:40-45, Luke 5:12-16
Friday Reflection
Healing Brings Restoration to Community: After the leper was healed, Jesus told him to show himself to the priest as required by the law. This was more than a physical healing; it restored the man to society and community life. Jesus doesn’t just heal us for our own sake He heals and restores us so we can live fully in community with others.
Friday Verse
Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 (NLT)
Friday Questions
How can I be a source of restoration in my community by helping others who feel isolated or excluded? In what practical ways can I support and uplift those around me, ensuring that my actions reflect the healing and restoring love of Christ?
Friday Insight Post
by Yayo Espinosa
The story of the man with leprosy is a powerful and rich account that reveals the depth of Jesus’ love for humanity. In these week’s passages, we see a man living in isolation, cut off from his community due to his illness. Yet, in an extraordinary act of compassion, Jesus reaches out and heals him. This story not only demonstrates Jesus’ power to heal but also His deep desire to restore individuals to the fullness of life—both physically and socially.
In the cultural context of the time, leprosy was more than a physical ailment. It came with a heavy social and spiritual burden. Those diagnosed with leprosy were considered unclean and forced to live apart from society. The man was brave in approaching Jesus because he should have kept his distance from him according to social norms. Yet his words, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean,” express both faith and desperation.
Jesus’ response is equally striking: “I am willing,” followed by a physical touch. That touch was a radical act, breaking through social barriers and defying taboos. As Luke 5:13 (NLT) beautifully records, “Jesus reached out and touched him. ‘I am willing,’ he said. ‘Be healed!’” In that moment, Jesus not only healed the man’s disease but also restored his dignity.
After the healing, Jesus instructed the man to show himself to the priest and offer the sacrifices prescribed by the law. This step was significant. It wasn’t merely a ceremonial requirement; it was a pathway for the man to be officially recognized as clean and reintegrated into the community. Jesus’ actions highlight that His healing work goes beyond the individual. He seeks to restore people to their rightful place within relationships, families, and communities.
The story invites us to consider how healing and restoration go hand in hand. Galatians 6:2 NLT reminds us, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” As followers of Jesus, we are called to be agents of restoration, reaching out to those who feel isolated or excluded and helping them find their place in community. This means actively seeking opportunities to serve, listening to the struggles of others, and offering practical support. When we share in the burdens of those around us, we not only obey Christ’s command but also reflect His love in action. By doing so, we contribute to the healing and unity that Jesus desires for His people.
The story of the leper reminds us that Christ’s healing touch extends beyond the physical. It brings restoration, dignity, and community. As we reflect on this powerful narrative, let us commit to being vessels of His love, bringing others into the fullness of life and fellowship.
Jesus is willing to heal and restore you. Are you willing to do His will and extend that same love and restoration to others?
Jose (Yayo) Espinosa
Associate Pastor