Feb 26: Insight Post by Rusty Coram
Weekly Reading: Matthew 5:13-16
Wednesday Reflection
Our Light Should Shine for God’s Glory: Jesus instructs His followers to be the light of the world, shining brightly for others to see. Our actions should reflect God’s love and truth, drawing others to Him.
Wednesday Verse
So that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like brightlights in a world full of crooked and perverse people. Philippians 2:15 (NLT)
Wednesday Questions
In what ways can I let my light shine more boldly for God? How can I reflect His love and truth in my daily life?
Wednesday Insight Post
by Rusty Coram
“You are the salt of the earth…you are the light of the world.” …when Jesus says this, we should really listen. When we become followers, instead of God whisking us away to heaven, He has us here to show and tell others about His love and grace. We get to represent Jesus to the world, letting them know that God cares about them. My wife Becky embodies this – maybe the best of anyone I know. We were at a CVS recently, and Becky was waiting in line to pick up a prescription. As she usually does, instead of burying her face in her phone, she struck up a conversation with the lady in front of her who was having a tough time. In the course of a few minutes, Becky discovered that Andrea had some chronic health issues and had just found out about a “suspicious spot” on her lung. Needless to say, she was struggling. Becky listened and then told her new friend that she would pray for her as she addressed this new health scare. Andrea looked at Becky and said, “Why are you so kind?”Becky’s immediate response was, “Because I walk with Jesus, and He is so kind to me.”
To me, this is a perfect example of being salt and light. We get to intrigue people with the impact Jesus is making in our lives. We get to give them a “taste” of His kindness and “shed light” on His love and grace as we interact with others. God may have us waiting in an inconvenient line because He has someone He wants us to provide a little salt and light too.
Rusty Coram
Senior Pastor
New Hope Church
Lorton, Virginia