Mar 3: Weekly Reading- Healing the Woman with the Issue of Blood; The Believer & Insight Post by Kim Feld


Weekly Reading: Luke 8:43-48Mark 5:25-34Matthew 9:20-22

Monday Reflection

Faith Transcends Boundaries: The woman with the issue of blood approached Jesus with faith despite the social and religious boundaries that made her an outcast. Her belief in Jesus’ power to heal overcame the barriers that separated her from the community. 

Monday Verse 

For we live by believing and not by seeing. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NLT) 

Monday Questions 

What obstacles are holding me back from seeking Jesus’ healing and restoration? How can I approach Him with unwavering faith, regardless of my circumstances? 

Monday Insight Post
by Kim Feld

I have read the story of the woman with the bleeding disorder many times, but in my reading today, something new stood out to me. In other instances of healing, we find Jesus responding to someone’s request. However, in this instance, the woman initiates by reaching out to touch the tassel on Jesus’ garment. She truly believes that she will be healed if she can just touch His outer cloak. Her unwavering faith, despite her condition and societal norms, is truly remarkable. She seems to understand the absolute power He holds and acts. That may seem like a small distinction, but it struck a chord with me.

This woman, suffering from a bleeding disorder for twelve years, would have been considered unclean because of her condition (see Leviticus 15:19-27). She would have made anyone she came into contact with unclean as well. In a crowd like this, she likely bumped up against others. And yet, her desperation led her to Jesus, knowing she could be exposed in shame. Jesus knows that her touch is different from the jostling He feels from the crowd. He recognizes that healing power has left Him. He asks who touched Him, and finally, the woman is unable to keep silent and admits that it was her. Take a look at Jesus’ response:

“Daughter,” he said to her, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:48, NLT)

This is the only time in scripture that we see Jesus directly address someone as “daughter.” This term of endearment signifies not only His recognition of her faith but also His deep compassion and care for her. I can only imagine what hearing His words must have felt like to her! Her condition had likely isolated her from others, but Jesus’ words affirmed her as part of the community.

Reflecting on Jesus’ encounters with others has made me more aware of the areas where my faith needs strengthening. How often has Jesus wanted me to approach Him in faith rather than remain stuck in shame or doubt? This contemplation has led me to examine my own faith journey and consider how I can respond with the same unwavering faith as the woman who suffered from a bleeding disorder. As today’s verse states, we are called to “live by believing and not by seeing” (2 Corinthians 5:7). Our belief rests in a person, Jesus Christ, who invites us to step boldly into faith and trust in His love and guidance every day.

Kim Feld
Executive Director of Education and Outreach

New Hope Church
Lorton, Virginia