Mar 5: Insight Post by Rusty Coram


Weekly Reading: Luke 8:43-48Mark 5:25-34Matthew 9:20-22

Wednesday Reflection

Jesus’ Power Restores Holistically: When the woman touched Jesus’ garment, she experienced immediate healing, but Jesus did more than heal her physically; He restored her dignity and her place in the community by publicly acknowledging her faith.

Wednesday Verse

He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. Psalm 147:3 (NLT)

Wednesday Questions

How can I trust Jesus for healing in every aspect of my life; physical, emotional, and spiritual? Where do I need His restoration the most?

Wednesday Insight Post
by Rusty Coram

The encounter Jesus has with the woman who had suffered from a twelve-year bleeding issue is pretty remarkable. The woman risks public ridicule and rejection by approaching Jesus and touching His robe. Her illness generally meant she was expected to isolate from others, similar to today for someone with Covid. In this case, it was so that she wouldn’t cause someone to be ceremonially unclean and unable to go to the temple. Jesus’ response to her risk shows His incredible kindness and His compassion.

There is another aspect to this story that also amazes me. Immediately preceding this we read, “Then a man named Jairus, a leader of the local synagogue, came and fell at Jesus’ feet, pleading with him to come home with him.42 His only daughter, who was about twelve years old, was dying. As Jesus went with him, he was surrounded by the crowds.” Luke 8:41,42 (NLT) Jairus was a respected leader in the area and a man of considerable influence. Jesus honors his request to go see his dying daughter, which is not surprising. What is unusual is that Jesus would stop along the way to acknowledge the unnamed woman with the hemorrhaging. She was not a powerful or prestigious member of the community, but Jesus stopped in the middle of heading to Jairus’ home to acknowledge her. He didn’t have to because she was already healed, but He made a point to stop and find her. Publicly declaring that she was healed honored her, and Jesus saw this as a priority. Jairus was an important figure in the community, but Jesus showed everyone that he was no more important than this woman. I love this about our Savior and need to work hard to follow His example in showing kindness and respect to everyone around me.

Rusty Coram
Senior Pastor

New Hope Church
Lorton, Virginia