What is the next step in your journey?
Journey is the name of New Hope's adult education classes. Think of it as a way to get dedicated time to learn more about a topic that will help you grow your faith and your actions to make them more Christ-like. Make some connections with other travelers and be challenged to make some new choices in 2025!
2025 Winter Journey
With the arrival of a fresh new year, let's dive into a group that can help us learn how to make God our first priority, gain support from our community, and make some new connections! Groups begin the week of January 19th.
Faith and Finances: Making Wise Financial Decisions
Leader: David Straightiff, CFP, AAMS
Day/Time: Wednesdays at 7 pm, at New Hope
First Class: Wednesday, January 22nd
Class Length: 6 weeks
In this 6-week study based on M. Scott Byrom’s Seeing Money God’s Way, we’ll be discussing how to make wise, biblical decisions on all aspects of our finances including investing, taxes, giving, retirement planning, social security, and Medicare.
In Seeing Money God’s Way: Your Guide to Biblical Stewardship, you will learn:
- The principles followed by figures from the Bible who made and maintained wealth, and how those lessons carry over to the present
- How to consider various risks (stock market, inflationary, etc.)
- How to use various containers (Roth IRA, 401k, etc.) to maximize tax benefits
- A biblical view of giving and how to embrace opportunities to be good stewards
- An explanation of taxes with relevant tax planning techniques
- Many more elements viewed through a biblical, Christian lens
The book, Seeing Money God’s Way: Your Guide to Biblical Stewardship by M. Scott Byrom, CFP, is optional but encouraged. It is available at Amazon and other booksellers. Please read chapter 1 before the first class.
How to Read My Bible
Leader: Rusty Coram
Day/Time: Thursdays at 7 pm, at New Hope
First Class: Thursday, January 23rd
Class Length: 3 weeks
This three-week course will help us understand some simple ways to read and learn from the greatest book ever published. In this class designed for both beginners just getting familiar with the Bible and those who have studied it for years, we will focus less on academics and more on personal application and connection with God.
Please bring your Bible to each class. The Quest Study Bible is recommended but not required. Purchase at Amazon or other booksellers.
Starting Point
Leaders: Frances Koch and Grace Price
Day/Time: Wednesdays 7-8 pm, at New Hope
First Class: Wednesday, January 22nd
Class Length: 9 weeks
Starting Point is a conversational environment where people can explore faith and experience community. Starting Point groups are safe places for people with questions about faith, as well as those who want to learn about the Bible and Christianity. Groups meet for 9 weeks to explore the grand story of the Bible.
You may have questions that you’ve always wondered about but never felt you could ask at church, legitimate questions that would make many Christians uncomfortable. Ask them. Nothing is off-limits. We want to have conversations about the stuff that really matters to you—even when it’s difficult to talk about—especially when it’s difficult to talk about.
Starting Point is designed for:
SEEKERS: those who are curious about God, Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity
STARTERS: those who have just begun a relationship with Jesus Christ
RETURNERS: those who have some church experience, but have been away for a while
Bibles and Beakers: Finding a Harmonization between Science and Faith
Leader: Dave Rowenhorst, PhD
Day/Time: Sundays at 6 pm, at New Hope
First Class: Sunday, January 26
Class Length: 6 weeks
Note: No class on February 9
We’ve often been told that the ideas of science are at odds with those of our Christian faith, with the two locked in battle until Jesus returns or the heat death of the universe. This class will explore the idea that the two maybe are not destined to fight but might just be friends.
Topics include:
- Is Genesis about science, and is the big bang about theology?
- Can Christians slowly change their mind over time about evolution?
- Anyone notice the weather has been getting weird? Should we look into that?
- Is ChatGPT the solution to all the world’s problems, or the cause? Or does it just need Jesus?
Griefshare (in-person)
Leader: Carla Meyers
Day/Time: Sundays at 10 am, at New Hope
First Class: Sunday, January 19th
Class Length: 13 weeks
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, we are here to help you with this 13-week GriefShare study, which has benefited countless people in their journey through grief. This study features informative videos and an opportunity for group discussion; plus, with registration, you will receive a GriefShare workbook that will give you daily ongoing support, encouragement, and wisdom.
Please note we are offering two groups – one will be meeting in person on Sunday mornings at 10:00am in the Connect Room near the auditorium, the other group will be meeting on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm online using Zoom video conferencing.
For more information about the GriefShare curriculum, please go to griefshare.org. Questions? Contact Kim Feld at kim.feld@newhope.org.
Griefshare (online)
Leader: Cindy Colorado
Day/Time: Wednesdays at 7 pm, on Zoom
First Class: Wendesday, January 22nd
Class Length: 13 weeks
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, we are here to help you with this 13-week GriefShare study, which has benefited countless people in their journey through grief. This study features informative videos and an opportunity for group discussion; plus, with registration, you will receive a GriefShare workbook that will give you daily ongoing support, encouragement, and wisdom.
Please note we are offering two groups – one will be meeting in person on Sunday mornings at 10:00am in the Connect Room near the auditorium, the other group will be meeting on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm online using Zoom video conferencing.
For more information about the GriefShare curriculum, please go to griefshare.org. Questions? Contact Kim Feld at kim.feld@newhope.org.
Leader: Sue McLaurin
Day/Time: Tuesdays at 7:00 pm, on Zoom
First Class: Tuesday, January 21st
Class Length: 13 weeks
We invite you to join our upcoming 13 week DivorceCare support group series. This is a positive, uplifting, caring group where you can gain understanding on how to cope with the emotions and challenges that come with your separation/divorce.
Please note we will be meeting via Zoom conferencing, and registration is required in order to access the online features of the group. The group will be led by Sue McLaurin. If you have questions, please email Kim Feld at kim.feld@newhope.org.