Anniversary Party
April 21, 2024 12:00 - 2:00pm | New Hope Church
We’re having a party on Sunday, April 21st, from 12 – 2 pm. Join us for food, music, and lots of fun for the whole family. No need to RSVP, but we’d love for you to join us for church at 9 and 11, too. That’s where the real celebration begins!
In addition to celebrating our anniversary, our New Hope Partners will be given the opportunity to renew their partnership agreement for this year. New Hope has partners instead of members to emphasize that we are “partnering” to share the hope of Jesus Christ with our local and global community.
If you are not currently a partner and would like to be, we have two Discovering Partnership Classes coming up: Monday, April 29, 2024, and Sunday, May 19, 2024. Learn more about our Discovering Partnership Classes by clicking the button below.