2022_02_28 Insight Post- Jessica Woodcock This week’s reading- Galatians 3-4 One of my clearest memories of raising our kids (thus far), is when my oldest was just two years...
2022_02_25 Insight Post- Emma Keeton This week’s reading- Galatians 1-2 Paul’s discourse on the law in Galatians chapters 1 and 2 highlights how we are saved by grace...
2022_02_23 Insight Post- Rusty Coram This week’s reading- Galatians 1-2 The letter to the church in Galatia is important in many ways and one of the biggest ways is that...
2022_02_21 Insight Post- Kim Feld This week’s reading- Galatians 1-2 Today we begin Paul’s letter to the church at Galatia. Paul gets down to business pretty...
2022_02_18 Insight Post- Emma Keeton This week’s reading- Acts 13-14 In Acts chapters 13 and 14 Paul begins his missionary journeys with Barnabas. These men travel to...
2022_02_16 Insight Post- Rusty Coram This week’s reading- Acts 13-14 There was a lot in our reading this week for me to choose from to focus on. The exploits of Paul and...
2022_02_14 Insight Post- Kim Feld This week’s reading- Acts 13-14 In Acts 13, we read about Saul being called Paul for the first time. It is often mistakenly believed...