Bible Reading Plan

What's the Bible?

The Bible is an incredible work of literature containing multiple genres: Law, History, Poetry & Wisdom, Prophecy, Gospels, and Letters. Sixty-six different books make up the complete Bible, with stories woven throughout. Some of the stories are full of courage, loyalty, and bravery. Others tell of epic loss, betrayal, and failure. But a sense of complete realness underpins them all. God could have chosen only heroes to tell His story, but instead, He chose real men and women whose character qualities were all over the map. Authentically, the Bible's story is full of heroes and zeroes, successes and failures, good and evil, and light and dark. There's much we can learn from all of them.

2024 Bible Reading Plan

This year's Bible Reading Plan will take us on a journey of studying 52+ characters of the Bible. For each week, we will read what the Bible has to tell us about the character(s) and ask ourselves some questions following this format:

• Are there character traits to emulate?
• What does the Bible say about       these traits? For example, if kindness is identified, where else can you find the Bible addressing kindness?
• Are there character traits to      avoid?
• What does the Bible say about these avoidable traits? For example, where else can you find the Bible addressing greed if greed is identified?
• Extra credit: who influenced and/or was influenced by this person?


We encourage you to read the passages daily for at least five out of seven days and keep a journal answering the questions above. The Bible doesn't give us many details about the characters in its pages, but what it tells us is essential. How does God want to change you this year based on what you're reading?

Additional Resources

Bible Study & Prayer Nights

Our Monday night Bible Study & Prayer Nights follow the Bible Reading Plan. Join us for our discussion on Monday evenings at 7 pm. Click here to watch live.

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Bible Study Tools & Resources

Click here to access a list of Bible study tools and resources.

Message Take Home Sheet

Looking for the Take Home Sheet from a weekend message? Click here to see a complete list of messages and the corresponding Take Home Sheet. Locate the series, then the message, and then click on the Weekly Service Files to download the Take Home Sheet.