Uganda Mission Trip Interest Meeting

February 26, 2023 12:30 - 1:30pm

8905 Ox Road, Lorton, VA, USA

What if you could take a two-week trip that could change your life? What if you could make a tangible impact on peoples’ lives? What if your faith grew exponentially? What if this trip changed the trajectory of your life? I believe with all my heart that these things can happen when you take a mission trip. I’ve experienced it and I’ve seen countless others who have too.

I went on my first mission trip in 2010. I had been praying that God would show me how I could make a difference in the world, and He led me to go to Uganda. I tried to fight it because this was so far out of my comfort zone and I had a lot of fears, most of them completely irrational. I was afraid of getting AIDs or being abducted by Joseph Kong. I selfishly worried about my comfort…what if I didn’t like the food, didn’t get to take a shower, or heaven forbid, I didn’t have WiFi. I also had no clue how I would get the thousands of dollars needed for the trip. Ultimately, I trusted God and decided to take a leap of faith. I am so grateful I did!

This past summer, I took my twelfth trip and as I sat in church worshipping, tears rolled down my face because I all I could think was, “imagine if I had missed all this?” I have been so blessed to be a part of what God is doing in Africa. It has changed my life and given me a bigger purpose. And I’m not the only one.

We have had over 50 people travel with the team from New Hope and their lives were impacted too. One man came home, quit his IT job, and went to school to become a Physician’s Assistant so he can do medical missions. One young lady who took the trip is now studying pre-med in college because of her experience doing medical outreaches. Another team member came home and sewed 500 dresses with matching dolls in one year for the little girls in Uganda. Others were so moved by the desperate need for clean water that they came back and raised money for wells. Children were sponsored to go to school, women were supported as they started their own businesses, and team members aged 13-72 came back with stories and photos to share. Each of us has been given the privilege to advocate for the poor and help others see how they can make a difference. It has been a huge blessing!

So, if you feel a little tug on your heart, come to the interest meeting for our next trip and at least get all the details. Push aside the fears and excuses and allow yourself to ask, “What if?”

If God is tugging at your heart to explore a mission, come to the interest meeting about the Uganda trip this summer (July 4th-17th). The meeting will be held Sunday, February 26th at 12:30 pm.

Please RSVP below. If you have any questions, please email Jenny at