Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens

September 3, 7:00 pm - October 22  |  The Landing

8905 Ox Road, Lorton, VA, USA

Stress is a constant for many people, including our teens. School, peer pressure, and relationships can be stress-inducing and are often compounded by social media. The coping strategies developed during these years are frequently carried with us into adulthood—the positive and the negative. What tools can we give our adolescents to help them develop good coping skills?

Beginning Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 7:00 pm, our teen wellness program, the Landing, will host an eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Teens course. Although mindfulness is often considered an Eastern practice, the Bible has much to say about the importance of living in the present. Join us as we look at practices to reduce stress and anxiety and ways to live more fully present in our day.

The course will be led by Kim Feld, New Hope’s Executive Director of Education and Outreach, as part of a doctoral program and will require parental consent. You can access the consent form by clicking here. For more information, contact Kim at kim.feld@newhope.org.