Tear Down the Idols – Gaga ball & Chips
February 23 5:45 - 7:45 pm | New Hope Church
Message: Tear Down the Idols Week 2
Game: Gaga ball
Snack: Chips
From the very beginning of time the devil has been trying to tempt us with the idea that we are not good enough. In Genesis 3 he tempted us with the fruit, in 2025 he tempts us how we appear to others. The idol of self is something we struggle with. We have to have the newest tech product, the coolest clothes. On top of that we have to act a certain way, appear to have our life put together even if we are struggling, and make certain no one sees our weaknesses. There’s a reason why companies make a million dollars off Americans every year; it’s because they play into this lie we hear. “If you don’t look a certain way, if you don’t have something, you won’t be good enough.” When we struggle, let’s turn back to what God says, and how amazing he’s created us. Come for Gaga ball and chips. Doors open up at 5:45 pm and pick up time is at 7:45 pm.