Guest Speaker Jenny Herzog & Baptism

September 15 5:45 - 7:45 pm  |  New Hope Church

8905 Ox Road, Lorton, VA, USA

Uganda: Guest Speaker- Jenny Herzog
Baptism: Ben Guardo

Game: 9 Square 
Snack: Pizza

Sunday night is going to look a little different for us at Takeover. We’ll have some fun playing 9 square and eating pizza, and we’ll participate in some amazing worship. Our big changes are, we’re going to celebrate baptism on this night, which we believe is an outward expression of our decision to follow Christ. Finally, we’ll hear from a guest speaker Jenny Herzog about her experiences in Uganda, and the impact New Hope plays in building and sustaining clean water.

Doors open up at 5:45pm and pick up time is at 7:45pm.