What is the Gospel? Week 1- Gaga & Pizza
January 7, 2024 5:45 - 7:45pm | New Hope Church
Week 1- What is the Gospel?
Game: Gaga
Snack: Pizza
Why is the Gospel good news? I think if we were being really honest, how many of us would actually have an answer to that question? It seems like we think it’s better news when our team makes it to states, or we find out that that person that we have a crush on actually likes us back. That news, no matter how good it feels, doesn’t have the power to save us, change us, make us fully alive, or give us deep, unshakeable purpose. But there is news that does, and it’s the Gospel. The Gospel is the good news that Jesus came to rescue us from sin and repair our relationship with God so that we can play a part in His plan to restore the world.
Join us on January 7th from 5:45-7:45 pm to kick off our new year and new series!