Let’s face it guys - men are different. In our society, being a man is confusing. There are a number of definitions according to the world's standards. The common belief is men are self-supporting, don't show emotion, don’t need fellowship, and are more than willing to take on life alone.
The Men’s Ministry at New Hope believes in the Biblical call that a real man is one who rejects passivity, accepts responsibility, leads courageously, and invests in eternity. We will develop men in Christian living to make a positive impact for this generation and those to come. We will accomplish this through three main strategies: Reach, Teach, and Unleash.
If you’re ready, you can embark on a journey here that will open the floodgates of God forming you into a man reflecting His love. Through reach, teach, and unleash events, you will surely become a man that stands out in this world. The New Hope Men’s Ministry is dedicated to providing men with opportunities to grow into the leaders and men God calls them to be.

We’ll create environments and opportunities for men to connect with and grow in their walk with Christ.

There must be a priority on teaching men because Men need accountability, but dislike the idea of it. Men need relationships with other men, but have a fear of it. Men are the catalyst of the home, but have grown numb to their potential.

Lead and send men for service to God, to the church, and to the community. It is releasing men to live out their God-given purpose.