The Parent Child Dedication is about you as a parent making the decision and commitment to raise your child in a home where they can discover who Jesus is, how much He loves them, and how they can have a relationship with Him that lasts forever. It’s also about the church, your family, and friends coming along side you and committing to encouraging, resourcing, and supporting you as you raise your children. The Parent Child Dedication is for parents with kids of any age who desire to make a commitment to model Jesus in their home for their children.
It’s a big decision that deserves thought, prayer, and intentionality. It also deserves a big celebration! Once you’ve made this decision as a parent, we’ve made the process as easy as 1, 2, 3. Please follow the steps below to get started. We look forward to partnering with you and your family.
Step 1- Let Us Know You are Interested
Once you register, we will send you a confirmation email. As the date approaches, we will send you an email with more details.
Our next Parent Child Dedication will be scheduled in the summer. More information will be available as we get closer to that. Please reach out to for more details.
Step 2- Parent Preparation
This is a special day that deserves some thought, prayer, and planning. We want to inspire you to invest in the things that will matter the most to your child’s future and help you get off to a great start as you begin this journey with your child. Please watch the three short videos below with whoever is parenting your child with you. We encourage you to download the discussion questions and write your answers down. Then put them away for safekeeping and to reference from time to time to help keep you on track. Doing this prep work together will help you make a plan as to how you are going to raise your child to know Jesus with some intentionality.
Step 3- Let’s Celebrate
The last step in the process is to attend our Parent-Child Dedication Ceremony. The ceremony is a meaningful and memorable celebration for your family and friends. At this event we commit together to each do our part to help our children grow up in an environment that models Jesus and helps them begin their journey of a life-long relationship with Him. You will be the greatest influence in your child’s life. As your church, we want to partner with you to encourage and guide you as you go on the journey.
Video 1
Praying for your child and thinking through the person you hope they become.
Video 2
Taking care of your relationships with others and with God.
Video 3
Partnering up with other parents and the church as you parent your child.