2022_02_11 Insight Post- Emma Keeton This week’s reading- Acts 11-12 Acts chapter 12 this week begins with a jolt. We are told that James, the brother of John was put to...
2022_02_04 Insight Post- Emma Keeton This week’s reading- Acts 9-10 Acts chapters 9 and 10 journeys with Peter as he travels about the country spreading the gospel. These...
2022_01_28 Insight Post- Emma Keeton This week’s reading- Acts 7-8 What I am suffering now,’ she replied, ‘I suffer by myself. But then another will be inside...
2022_01_21 Insight Post- Emma Keeton This week’s reading- Acts 5-6 It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want...