The Landing

Welcome to The Landing!

The Landing is a wellness ministry designed to help students in middle and high school who would like some extra support in navigating their teenage years. The teenage years are full of exciting opportunities, challenging situations, fluctuating emotions, and stressful circumstances. Sometimes it can seem like there is a lot of expectation, and maybe a lot of disappointment. Being a student today is tough. Students struggle with all sorts of difficult life issues, such as anger, fear, stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol & drugs, sex, pornography, body image, self-worth, bullying, divorce and more. The list can be endless! The Landing creates an environment where students can talk openly about what is going on in their lives, ask questions, and learn through the use of creative, interactive lessons that provide insight on how to follow God's path in life even when things can suck.

We’re confident that students who come to The Landing and actively participate will start on a journey towards healing and hope, develop healthy relationships, break cycles of dysfunction, and build a new set of coping skills that will help to face life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups, and develop a solid foundation in Jesus Christ.

The Landing meets on Tuesdays at New Hope Church from 7 - 9 pm (Doors open at 6:45 pm). A FREE dinner is available to the students during The Landing on the last Tuesday of the month as well. We hope to see you soon!

The Landing Team