2022_03_18 Insight Post- Emma Keeton


This week’s reading- Acts 15-16


But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. 

2 Corinthians 2:14

This week in Acts we continue to see the early church grow as the gospel is spread through Asia minor and up into Europe. This is no easy task for Paul and his companions as they weather conflicts within the group and travel to areas that are hostile to the good news of Jesus. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit is their trump card. God knows what needs to happen for the gospel to be spread throughout the whole world and leads Paul by a vision to Greece. So Paul goes to Phillipi.

The first European believer is a woman named Lydia, who Paul meets by a riverbank. Lydia already worships God but does not yet know about salvation through Jesus. She and some other women were at the river praying on the Sabbath because there was no synagogue in that city. Acts 16:14 says “The Lord opened her heart [Lydia] to respond to Paul’s message” and Lydia and her household were saved. One cannot help but be drawn towards Lydia’s devotion to the Lord as she continues to worship God although she is in the minority. It takes 10 men to form a synagogue, so there must have been very few Jewish believers in that area. But God who knows the heart leads Paul to share the message of Jesus with those who are ready to respond to him.

It has been exciting this week to see God’s word spread to another continent, but I have been reminded that if the gospel is to advance, it needs feet. Mine and yours. Paul’s example shows us how evangelism is a two-part process-LISTEN and say YES to God. When we position ourselves to hear God’s voice we are ‘change in his pocket’ and we get to co-labor with him. Is there a greater joy?!


Father, help me see your bigger picture,
Lift me up higher so I can know your heart for those I meet.
Holy Spirit lead me.
In Jesus name.

Emma Keeton
Prayer Team Lead