Feb 24: Weekly Reading- Teaching on Salt and Light; The Witnesses & Insight Post by Kim Feld
Weekly Reading: Matthew 5:13-16
Monday Reflection
We Are Called to Preserve Goodness: As salt preserves and enhances flavor, Jesus calls us to preserve goodness in a world that often drifts towards corruption. By living out His teachings, we become agents of preservation, making a positive impact on society.
Monday Verse
For the grace of God has been revealed, bringing salvation to all people. And we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and devotion to God. Titus 2:11-12 (NLT)
Monday Questions
How can I contribute to upholding strong values and fostering personal growth in my community? What specific actions can I take to influence others for good?
Monday Insight Post
by Kim Feld
I love how Jesus takes things that are common, universally known, or experienced and uses them to make a spiritual point. In this week’s passage, He uses salt and light to talk about how His followers should stand out in the world around them. We weren’t meant to just blend in.
Consider the transformative power of salt. It not only preserves, but it also enhances flavor. Just a pinch can change the entire taste of a dish. As Christ-followers, we too have the power to transform our surroundings with our actions and attitudes.
Jesus teaches us to live in a way that is often completely opposite of the way the world encourages. We are called to love, give, and serve as opposed to hate, withhold, and reign on our own thrones of power. We are not called to see ourselves as better or more deserving than others. As Monday’s reflection in our Bible reading plan says, we are called to preserve goodness.
Many are experiencing a great degree of stress and uncertainty in their lives right now. What does it look like to “preserve goodness” when things around us feel chaotic and out of control? I sure don’t have all the answers, but here are a few things that I’m trying:
- One way to ‘preserve goodness’ in the midst of chaos is to actively seek evidence of God’s goodness in our daily lives. This is more than just positive thinking; it’s about finding hope in the signs that God is near and that He is in control, even when our lives feel out of control.
- Instead of jumping headfirst into negativity (although it’s so tempting!), try to be a source of encouragement to those around me. Sometimes that means listening, sometimes it means offering a distraction or a break from the stress.
- Pray diligently for God’s peace to rest on me and those around me. He is the One who can provide calm in the midst of the greatest storm.
These are some small ways that I’m trying to live out being salt and light in my world. I pray that each of us seeks the Holy Spirit’s guidance for how to do that in our own corner of the world.
Kim Feld
Executive Director of Education and Outreach
New Hope Church
Lorton, Virginia