Mar 14: Insight Post by Julie Christensen


Weekly Reading: Luke 15:1-7Matthew 18:12-14

Friday Reflection

Our Role in Helping Others Return to God: As followers of Christ, we are called to help guide those who are lost back to God, just as the shepherd sought after the lost sheep. We must be patient,

compassionate, and persistent in our efforts to help others reconnect with God.

Friday Verse

And you must show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. Show mercy to still others, but do so with great caution, hating the sins that contaminate their lives. Jude 1:22-23 (NLT)

Friday Questions

How can I be more proactive in helping others who have drifted from their faith? What steps can I take to help guide them back to God’s love and grace?

Friday Insight Post
by Julie Christensen

The lost one unfolded right here in our neighborhood… well, not exactly. On our way home from church Sunday, we encountered two adorable Spaniels in the street. One was clearly a puppy, the other a bit older. After scooping up the fluffy white bundle and receiving a few licks on the chin, I knocked on several doors. No one recognized the pup. We drove farther from the spot where the dogs had been frolicking in the street, hoping to find someone who might know them. Still, no one claimed that precious little nugget I was holding. Five streets, countless barking dogs, and numerous doorbell rings later, we still had no success, so we headed home to post on social media. As the post went live, neighbors gathered outside, cooing over the sweet pup. We were determined to find this dog’s home, just as the shepherd left his 99 sheep to search for the one lost. We saved it from harm in the street, much like the shepherd brings the lost sheep back to the flock. We were relentless in our efforts to reunite this Spaniel with its owner. But here’s where the comparison ends. While we were relentless in our search, where was the rejoicing? When the worried dog owner finally approached, did we offer her comfort? No. How easily we judged! Did we celebrate when she took the tired pup from my arms? No. Instead, we exchanged eye rolls and furrowed brows as we reluctantly handed her the sweet little dog. As we waited, the judgmental thoughts and fictional scenarios ran through our heads with ease. When the owner pulled into our cul-de-sac, she could’ve easily felt intimidated by the crowd of nine neighbors who had gathered. Were we concerned about how she might feel? Not really. And when she opened her car door, did we rejoice? Nope. It’s easy for us to judge those who may be currently running astray. Just like we took numerous steps to find the puppy’s owner, how often do we take numerous steps in sharing stories of God’s goodness? As quickly as we judged is how quickly we should have poured out grace.  I’m ready to share examples of how God has worked in my sin-filled life. Are you? Join me in less judging and more pouring out of grace. Build connections with others, so sharing stories of how you’ve seen God’s provisions in your life becomes easier. God never gives up on us. Why would we give up on those with wavering faith?

Julie Christensen
Senior Director of Silo Center

New Hope Church
Lorton, Virginia